Solutions to your 2nd Floor Being Too Hot - A DIY Guide

Here in NJ we have many older homes that were never insulated properly, nor was the ductwork properly sized for the home, and nor was the equipment size right sized for the home. The result of these three factors leads to parts ofhomes being too hot in the summer and too cold and drafty in the winter.  

So what can you do?  Actually a lot. Some you can probably do yourself. Some, yu need a professional.

In the summer, fundamentally  the issue is that your home is gaining more heat then it is able to overcome with the current AC. This is specially true for the 2nd floor of the home. 

To control this you have two fundamental stratgies to work with: 

  1. Lower the amount of heat coming into your home
  2. Increase the amount of AC or air flow into the 2nd floor. 

Which of these two stratagies you do may depend on whom you call. If you call an AC company they will recommend more ducts, a new AC or something to do with AC.  They will often ignore the other side. 

On the other hand, if you call an insulation company, they ignore the AC side and only want to do insulation.  

Both companies my be right and both companies may not be right. By only adressing one side of the problem you may be paying too much and not getting enough return on your investments.  The correct mix can be had by having someone who can look at the problem holistically. Your home is a system, and the problem needs to be addressed as such.  

See below our chart showing some of the most common solutions to this probem. 

See if you can take care of these issues yourself. If not, then call us. We will be happy to help:  973-544-6800



UV Lights Kill Air Borne Coronas Virus and other Influenza viruses
For Residential and Light Commercial ApplicationsThe Coronavirus disease, or COVID-19, is a virus that is mostly transmitted through the air in water droplets found in coughs and sneezes by those... Read more