We're thrilled to have been chosen by Eyewitness News for this excellent segment on energy audits and efficiency improvements.
Click here to watch the video on ABC7! http://abc7ny.com/archive/9405014/
Eyewitness News: Home Energy Audits Save Money and Improve Comfort
Short Hills, NJ -- January 24, 2014 -- While New Jersey Residents do not have a say in the frigid intrusions of the Polar Vortex this winter, they can control the comfort of their homes and how much they spend on energy bills. Nina Pineda of Eyewitness News’ 7 On Your Side Program recently investigated a newly-renovated home with Rashid Burney of Building Sciences LLC and discovered a huge wastage of both energy and money.
Using infrared imaging technology -- standard practice during a $49 home energy audit -- Rashid uncovered large sections of improperly installed, and even completely missing, wall and ceiling insulation. “What this tells me is this wall has no insulation. That explains why the temperature on the wall is below 58 degrees,” said Burney. Building Sciences LLC focuses on finding and fixing these “energy elephants” -- basically, large costly flaws in insulation, HVAC, air sealing etc. -- that can reap significant savings for the homeowner. The energy audit also revealed many smaller problem areas, “energy mice”, that can easily be remedied by the homeowner with inexpensive solutions. For example, winterizing the windows with plastic insulation is an inexpensive DIY project, “for $15, all of these windows can easily be done,” said Burney.
Implementing the changes recommended after a home energy audit will not only vastly increase the comfort of the home, but will also yield substantial savings in monthly energy bills. For this particular home, Burney estimated a savings of “almost a thousand dollars a year,” in reduced heating and cooling costs. For even more savings, there are energy efficiency grants available to New Jersey residents that pay half the cost of the project, up to $5,000, and 0% financing options.